ThinK-12 Familiesto Attract, Enroll, and Retain Families

Attract and enroll prospective and current families with engaging, interactive features that get them excited, committed and loyal to your school.

ThinK-12 Families is a set of exciting features that work together to elevate the future (or returning) family experience. Future and returning families are your customers, and your school is the service provider. Families have options. Your school must present your story in a compelling and professional way in order to enroll (and retain) families. Remember, the days of E.G.E.™ (Enrollment Geographic Expectation) are over! Today you must work to attract, enroll, and retain families, just like your competitors are doing.

ThinK-12 Families is a revolutionary product- but it’s also a team of marketing and technology experts who have delivered proven enrollment results in Higher Education for decades. Today, ThinK-12 Families drives enrollment and retention for K-12 schools through rich, interactive features and functionality, including:

Portrait of smiling mom, dad, and daughter


Sometimes families need to be better informed about their choices, and why a public school education can be their best educational option. The team of professional content developers at ThinK-12 craft expertly-written, service-based content to engage and inform future and current families about all the things they need to know in order to make the best choice. Content is scaffolded by grade band, so families with an incoming Kindergartener can get the information they need, while families with an incoming 6th or 9th grader can best prepare to make the right choice for their child. The key with service-based content is positioning YOUR SCHOOL as the source of the content. This builds trust and affinity between families and your school.

Some topics include:

Our library of Service-based Tips & Advice for Parents is constantly growing, offering parents everything they need to make the best educational decision for their family.
Custom Content
Deepening the content experience for your school, our team of writers create CUSTOM CONTENT to tie our service-based content specifically to your school. Custom content highlights YOUR offerings, YOUR successes, and YOUR points of differentiation. And if you’re not sure what those are, we create them for you. It’s the value of outside content experts who can see the best your school has to offer, and then craft it into a compelling story.
Custom-content solidifies the connection of service-based content to YOUR school.

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Our library of Service-based Tips & Advice for Parents is constantly growing, offering parents everything they.

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Our library of Service-based Tips & Advice for Parents is constantly growing, offering parents everything they.

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Our library of Service-based Tips & Advice for Parents is constantly growing, offering parents everything they.

Q&A Videos

Don’t underestimate the “wow” factor and how it can influence families. ThinK-12 Q&A Videos are an interactive, technical display of professionally produced videos of student, parent, staff and alumni/ae ambassadors from your school. Our expert video producers will spend a day at your school capturing video-based answers to your most common questions from future and current families. We’ll even work to develop answers to questions families may not even think to ask.
Videos bring stories to life. It’s the foundation for media engagement across every generation. And for parents, Q&A Videos show the character, emotion and passion for your school, something that can be difficult to convey purely through the written word.
But it’s the technical delivery of the videos that gives parents an engagement experience like no other. In an intuitive Q & A format, parents can scroll through questions they have and then see the corresponding videos that answer those questions. The connection delivered through the Q & A interface drives a deep engagement for parents that lets them control the flow of what they are viewing.
Another outstanding benefit of the Q &A Videos is the authenticity captured by our video experts. Getting at the essence of a question’s answer is an art, and how that answer is conveyed to parents can make or break their commitment to your school.
Following our Q&A Videos Success Guide™, your school will select 5 or more people to answer questions on video. These can be students, parents, staff, alumni/ae, or any combination. Our experts set up, direct and capture the video on location at your school. Then the videos get further customized by our video production team, who post-produce and load the videos into our proprietary Q&A Videos engine. The result is an outstanding, professionally produced experience for families that answers their most pressing questions and gets them excited about your school. There’s simply nothing like it.

Videos bring stories to life. It’s the foundation for media engagement across every generation. And for parents, Q&A Videos show the character, emotion and passion for your school, something that can be difficult to convey purely through the written word.

Family Network

Some families will attend a school because they know other families there. Some families stay at a school for the very same reason. One thing is for certain; schools are for families, not just kids. And giving families the ability to connect and network with each other is a service your school should provide because connected families drive enrollment and retention. Schools already know this as a fact- they’ve been using PTAs, parent conferences and family events for years to drive deeper family connections to their school.
Today, the family experience can be taken to the next level through technology, meeting families in the digital world. The ThinK-12 Family Network is a private community that allows your families to connect and engage, strengthening their bond to your school. Simple things like enabling parent connections can deepen confidence in and support of your school. “Customer Communities” are everywhere… except in schools. It’s time that changed.
Future families can see limited information in the ThinK-12 Family Network, while current families have full access. Families can set their preferences for how much information they want to share. Future families will see the Family Network as an incredible networking tool, enabling connections from child play dates to adult professional collaboration.

ThinK-12 Outcomes

One of the biggest questions future and current families have is about Outcomes. What can they expect for their child from your school? And not just immediate outcomes, but their full educational and career journey. Where do students go after your school? What colleges do they attend? What career paths do they forge? How do they positively shape the community and impact society? While no one can predict a student’s path with certainty, historical performance DOES give families confidence and DOES influence their enrollment decisions. Outcome highlights in your ThinK-12 program will showcase your outcomes in an interactive, engaging way, driving enrollment and re-enrollment rates for your school.


We all know there’s so much more for students to discover and experience at a school besides academics. Schools have clubs and organizations that are designed to spark curiosity and quest students’ thirst for passions and interests. This goes far beyond organized sports or the marching band.
With Clubhub, schools can showcase and even promote their clubs to students and families, increasing the likelihood students will get involved. And just like in Higher Ed, student engagement in clubs and activities directly affects retention rates and social experiences at a school.
Chances are, your school has more clubs and organizations than most students (and nearly ALL parents) are aware of. Clubhub changes this by improving club visibility and appeal, and with calls-to-action that encourage involvement. Clubs are selling points of your school. Obscuring them limits the effect they can have on your students and the influence they can have on parents when making enrollment and retention decisions.
Clubs are rarely, if ever, promoted to future or current parents. Driving club awareness to parents equips them to encourage their child to engage in and explore everything your school has to offer.
With Clubhub, your clubs and organizations are points of pride and play an important role in engaging future and current families.

Staff Directory

Staff directories at schools are boring and difficult to navigate. They also provide no information to parents about the people educating their child. That’s changed with the ThinK-12 Staff Directory.
At ThinK-12, we re-imagined what a school staff directory should be, and built it. When we spoke with parents, they told us they wanted to know more about their child’s teachers, and also wanted an easier way to connect and ally with them. Our approach was to ‘humanize’ the staff by sharing their interests and passions, their commitment to your child and of course, making it easier to connect with them.
Education is a three way partnership: Teacher—Child—Parent. And when communication between teachers and parents is inhibited or difficult, partnerships can break down and not achieve their full potential. Facilitating the connection between staff and parent is paramount in the partnership equation. The ThinK-12 Staff Directory not only makes this easier, it also makes it inviting by showing staff as real people and not just teachers behind concrete walls. Staff, like parents, have families, pets, passions and dreams. Connections around any one of those between staff and parent promote compassion, empathy and alliance. These are the factors that allow staff to provide the best education to students.

ThinK-12 Chat

Get ready to drastically improve customer service for future and current families. (yes, your families are your customers). ThinK-12 Chat is an AI-based (artificial intelligence) chat interface that answers most questions from families. The custom-built AI information engine powers ThinK-12 Chat for your school or district, simplifying parent inquiries and providing them with quick answers to their most commonly asked questions. It even provides links to your enrollment forms, important dates for upcoming events and links to clubs, outcomes and more.
ThinK-12 Chat can drastically reduce your office staff’s time spent answering questions, freeing them up for other tasks.
Think of it as an extension of your team, reducing the burden on your school office personnel.
The amazing thing about ThinK-12 Chat is that with artificial intelligence, the program gets smarter over time, creating even greater economic efficiencies for your office. But creating efficiency for parents can be even more impactful. It not only answers their questions faster, it gives parents confidence in your school. It demonstrates to them that you use modern tools to simplify processes and experiences, and this affects the entire customer (family) perception of your school. Even little things like A/I-based Chat can give parents confidence that the overall school experience is also being smartly managed.
Chances are, you’ve experienced this first-hand in other areas of your life. Take a moment to think about how smart and efficient customer service increases your confidence in a brand. That’s precisely what you can offer parents with A/I-based Chat. In fact, NOT having A/I-based chat for your customers (parents) shines a spotlight on how antiquated and inefficient schools really are. You now have the power to change that.

ThinK-12 Connect

One of the biggest challenges for public schools is managing a robust, behavioral email campaign with future and current families. The importance of this cannot be understated, yet for most K-12 schools, there is no concerted email campaign dedicated to continued enrollment, engagement and retention efforts.
There are many reasons for this…
ThinK-12 Connect is not only a robust email campaign for your future and current families, it’s also a team of experts who build, deploy and optimize the campaign for you. And then tie campaign performance to enrollment, engagement and retention outcomes to demonstrate ROI.
ThinK-12 Connect was purposefully built to engage K-12 families with the goal of driving enrollment. It uses the incredible program features in ThinK-12 Families to leverage increased parent engagement. It’s also the only program supported by education market experts.
ThinK-12 Connect is your custom communication engine. Today, families expect a professional stream of communication from every place they visit. They should expect the same from your school. With behavioral triggers that modify messaging based on family engagement (or lack of engagement), you can be sure that messaging to future and current families is relevant and service-oriented to help them make the best choices and to be your school’s ally.


Not only will ThinK-12 Families drive your enrollment and retention, it can even generate sponsorship revenue for your school. Local service providers are already on your sport field fences; today they can reach your future and current families through ThinK-12 Families, giving them more reach and deeper connections. We even provide your school with a ThinK-12 Sponsorship Guide filled with ideas and strategies to attract sponsors to your program. To learn more about how to bring sponsors to your ThinK-12 program