Improving Family-School Relationships

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The relationship between K-12 schools and individual families is essential for the success of the educational experience. A positive relationship can lead to improved academic outcomes, increased engagement, and enhanced support from families. However, building and maintaining a strong relationship can be challenging, especially in large schools. In this article, we will discuss some steps that K-12 schools can take to improve family-school relationships.

Create a Welcoming Atmosphere

The first step in improving the family-school relationships is to create a welcoming atmosphere. Schools should make a concerted effort to greet families when they enter the school, provide clear directions, and offer assistance. Additionally, schools can host events, such as open houses, back-to-school nights, or parent-teacher conferences, to create opportunities for families to meet with teachers and staff in a more relaxed setting.

Communicate Regularly

Effective communication is critical for building a strong family-school relationships. Schools should communicate regularly with families, providing updates on academic progress, upcoming events, and school policies. Communication can take many forms, including email, newsletters, social media, phone calls, and messaging apps. Additionally, schools can use online platforms, such as parent portals or learning management systems, to provide families with real-time access to academic information and resources.

Woman sitting at a conference table

Listen to Feedback

To improve the relationship between the school and individual families, schools must listen to feedback from families. This feedback can come in many forms, such as surveys, parent-teacher conferences, or informal conversations. Schools should be receptive to feedback and take action to address concerns or suggestions. Additionally, schools can create a parent advisory council or a parent-teacher association to provide a formal channel for feedback and engagement.

Provide Resources

K-12 schools can improve the relationship with families by providing resources to support academic success. Schools should provide families with information about academic expectations, available resources, and strategies for supporting learning at home. Additionally, schools can offer tutoring services, after-school programs, or academic enrichment opportunities to support students’ academic growth. By providing resources to support academic success, schools can demonstrate their commitment to the success of individual students and families.

Engage in Two-way Communication

Finally, K-12 schools can improve the relationship with families by engaging in two-way communication. Schools should not only communicate with families but also actively seek input and feedback. This can take many forms, such as inviting families to participate in school decision-making processes, soliciting input on school policies or programs, or inviting families to volunteer or participate in school events. By engaging in two-way communication, schools can create a sense of partnership with families, leading to increased engagement and support.


The relationship between K-12 schools and individual families is critical for the success of the educational experience. By creating a welcoming atmosphere, communicating regularly, listening to feedback, providing resources, and engaging in two-way communication, schools can improve the relationship with families. Additionally, schools must be willing to adapt their strategies and approaches to meet the needs of individual families and students. Building and maintaining a strong relationship between the school and individual families requires a sustained effort but can lead to improved academic outcomes, increased engagement, and enhanced support from families.


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